Sunday, March 2, 2014


There have been several people that mentioned how they loved the auction at the last reunion.  Due to popular demand the auction is back!  Anyone who wants to make auction items like they did for the last reunion, please do so and bring them with you. 

The only requirement will be to let me know what they will be ahead of time for we can make tags for each item.  We will be doing this in the form of a silent auction for a specific period of time on Saturday and the highest bidder will be the winner. We have done this before at other activities to raise money and it's great fun!  There has also been a suggestion that we have some items that are just sold outright at any given time.  I thought this was a great idea also.  We are also planning to have some items that might interest the younger kids.

If you have thoughts or suggestions on the auction you would like to share, please let me know.  I know we have many talented people in our family.  I can't wait to see what comes this year.  Carmen, I would love to see more of your aprons!

Happy March!

We have been enjoying record warm temperatures here and I have daffodils that are three inches out of the ground already.  I admit after being in Canada with the cold and snow the first week of December I didn't complain once about our weather all season.  I love Spring and look forward the green grass, flowers and awakening of everything that grows!

I need everyone's help.  We are trying to gather the updated information for the directory and I've been getting it in bits and pieces because I didn't think to get it all to begin with.  I was only thinking of addresses at that time.    We would like to have addresses, phones numbers, emails and children all updated so the directory is correct when printed.  If you haven't contacted me with all your updates please email them to me this week. 

We also still have assignments that would love to have a person be in charge of.  Please see the tab for this and see if there is something that would be interesting to you. 

Please contact me as quickly as possible so we can wrap up information for the directory and assignments.  Thanks!